Sharks, skates and rays of the southern North Sea and the (eastern) English Channel


Aren’t you sure what kind of shark, skate or ray you’ve caught? Then take this special identification card with you when you go out fishing, it is also quite fashionable on the wall at home or in a classroom. On the identification card you can find all the species that live in The English Channel and the southern North Sea with a short explanation how to recognize a particular species. 
This splashwater resistant identification card is available in size A3 and the languages Dutch, English and French. This handy identification card is for sale in our webshop and available for free as PDF file from this site!

Sharks, skates and rays of The English Channel and the southern North Sea.
If you have found your species of shark, skate or ray on the identification card, you can use the factsheets and id-guides to learn more about the species. 

Sportvisserij Nederland calls upon all professional and sport fishermen to release every shark, skate or ray back alive. Sharks, skates and rays have a minimal economical value and aren’t worth the effort to take them to shore. And so, the starry smooth-hound isn’t very tasty at all. Some off these sharks, skates or rays are very rare and are protected by law. A ‘T’ on the identification card means that the fish has to be, according to the law, always released alive and unharmed. 

Organisations working on the recovery

The information on this identification card was written down in co-operation with different marine organisations who have an interest in protecting those rare fish species. For example commercial fishing organisations, the marine research institute IMARES, Stichting de Noordzee, Vereniging Kust & Zee and the ministry of economics, agriculture and innovation (ELI).

More information?

dhr. Niels Brevé
or mail

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