Jaws is back!
Might be that you’ve heard about it. For the last couple of years, more and more sharks have been caught by commercial and sports fishermen along the Dutch coastline. Ofcourse no great whites, but others, more innocent sharks like smooth-hounds and nursehounds. Also the more known stingray and tope occur more often. The more reason for the Dutch angling organization to collaborate on the
Dutch Shark action plan.
Especially along the Dutch Delta in the province of Zeeland and the estuaries, the catches of sharks, skates and rays have increased in big numbers. In the summer, some charterboats especially fish for sharks already. Those angling charters all participate in the shark tagging project. A positive movement for seafishing possibilities in our country.
A caught tope (Galeorhinus galeus)
Sharks are indicators of a ecologic sustained ecosystem, and beautiful fishes that make a sportfisherman love his hobby.
Lesser spotted dogfish. (Scyliorhinus canicula)