General Terms and Conditions for Using the Kleine VISpas

The owner of the KleineVISpas must comply with the following conditions and legal regulations. Failure to heed the conditions and legal regulations means that one is considered as fishing without a licence (written permission) and is in breach of the Fisheries Act.


1. The waters stated in the Small List of Fishing Waters 2007 may only be fished if one is in possession of a valid KleineVISpas. Without the required VISpas the list of fishing waters provides no rights at all.

2. In these waters the owner of the KleineVISpas may only fish with one rod with designated types of bait, that is:

-Bread, potato, dough, cheese, grain and seeds;
-Worm and black sea shrimp;
-Insect larvae (e.g. maggots) and imitations there of, providing they are no bigger than 2.5 cm

3. Caught fish must be returned unharmed to the same water.

It is forbidden to:

4. Kill fish and take them away.

5. To have fishing competitions, unless written permission is given by the eligible angling federation or rod sports club. If a competition area is set up as a result of a licence being granted, this area must be kept clear.

6. To fish or feed with coloured maggots.

7. To perform acts that could lead to the disturbance, destruction or damage of the natural environment and/or another person's property or the hindrance of others.

8. To fish in such a manner that (water) fowl can grasp bait.

9. To leave fishing line and other waste material behind at the fishing location. The fishing location must be left clean on departure!

10. To set foot on private terrains and banks without permission from the owner, even if one has the right to fish in adjoining water.

11. To set foot on land where there are plantations and crops, or grass that is yet to be cut, unless one has a valid right of access by foot.

12. To take pets if there are free roaming cattle. Gates must be shut when on landed estates.

One must comply with the appropriate regulations and provisions when in recreation areas and nature reserves. These are often indicated on boards.

One is obliged to show the KleineVISpas and corresponding booklet Small List of Fishing Waters immediately to authorized inspectors from the rod sports club, federation and/or Sportvisserij Nederland, the police or other legally authorized investigating officers for approval. Any instructions given must be acted upon immediately.

One fishes at one's own risk and is personally responsible for his/her actions. Sportvisserij Nederland, the federations and/or the rod sports clubs and owners of fishing waters accept no liability for this whatsoever.

The KleineVISpas and the "Small List of Fishing Waters" are strictly personal.

The conditions mentioned above apply for all waters in this list. Additional/limiting conditions may apply per federation area or per water. These are notified separately at the appropriate federation or water.

Report fish skinning operations and illegal fishing practices. In combating skinning operations it is important that sport anglers report all suspected activities on and alongside the water via the telephone number/form of the General Inspectorate (Algemene Inspectie Dienst or AID) indicated below. In this way the investigation services know where problems occur and something can be done about it! Reporting station fish skinning: tel. +31 (0)45 - 546 62 30 (AID).

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